Thursday, March 28, 2013

Small Scale Industry (SSI)

Meaning of SSI is not defined in the Central Excise Act. The meaning can be understood as per Notification No. 8/2003

Where the Turnover in the previous year of a unit is not more then Rs. 4 crore (Rs. 400 lakhs) that unit is known as Small Scale Industry (SSI)


Duty applicable on amount exceeding Rs.150 lakhs turnover.
Also no Cenvat Credit can be availed.


●If the turnover in the Current Year exceeds Rs. 90 lakhs, intimation has to given to the officer in the Next Year.

This is required to be done every next year of the current year in which such turnover is exceeded.

●If the turnover exceeds Rs. 140 lakhs, the unit need to register itself in such scheme.

●If the turnover exceeds Rs. 400 lakhs, the unit cannot avail exemption of Rs. 150 lakhs in the next year.


●Return filing - Quaterly
●Payment of duty - Monthly instead of Quaterly (except for March)
●100% Cenvat Credit availability on capital goods in the first year
●Audit once in 2 to 5 years
●Exemption of duty if goods manufactured under brand name of others in rural area


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